Friday, October 27, 2017

A Bummer Morning

Every Friday morning,my sister drives to my house and we go out for breakfast. It's usually my only time to get together with her (plus, she does drive me to a monthly doctor's appointment). Those weekly get-togethers mean a lot to me.

But, I have severe sleep apnea and just generalized sleep issues. I actually fell asleep last night about 10 p.m. At some point after that,my Mexican family that lives here in my house came home and they banged on my bedroom door to tell me the wife had spent all day at a friend's house making hand-made tamales. They know I love them.

I couldn't say no without hurting their feelings so I dragged my sleepy self to the kitchen and got two tamales. They tasted wonderful but being that sleepy and already having eaten dinner, I could only manage a few bites. The family doesn't know I threw most of them out. I had to.

And now I am awake for the rest of the night. Once I go to sleep, if you wake me up, I can't get back to sleep for many hours.

The only morning of the week where I need to be wide awake by 9 A.M. is Friday morning. I know my sister is coming.

I finally nodded off about 4 A.M. and woke up about 7:30 A.M. By "wake up" I don't mean my brain or body was really awake. I just had to go pee and my swollen legs were threatening to go charley horse cramping on me so I had to stand up on them.

After taking my morning meds, I knew the next thing was to get a cup of coffee but I saw it was now close to 8:00. I needed at least an hour of sitting with coffee and letting my lungs un-collapse themselves and my sinuses to recover from the wind tunnel torture device known as a CPAP machine. I was feeling very shakey and wobbly and I wouldn't feel strong enough to take a shower for at least another hour. Exactly when my sister would be arriving to go out for breakfast. I wasn't going to make it.

I had to call my sister before she left her house. I felt so bad because I was really looking forward to seeing her.

I'll take naps later today but it makes the whole day seem dreary when it starts out on a bummer.

Oh well.

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